ABOUT our Merinos

Our merino flock is based on indexed ewes from Geelong Park and Roxby. We have an open nucleus of selected ewes used for individual mating, to breed rams. Semen from top ranking rams has been used occasionally to enhance our breeding program.  Using a data manager and Mackinnon Project, University of Melbourne consultant we make targeted breeding decisions using an internal index similar to (5%+SS) and provide validated indexes for clients when selecting rams (SGA FW, SM, WP etc).  We sell rams privately from February and have sold semen to WA, QLD, SA and Victorian clients.

Sheep Genetics Australia

Breeding Objective: to hold micron (adult average 17), increase staple strength and fleece weight (>6kgs adult average) whilst continuing to select bright wool and sound fertile sheep.

Selection pressure is to increase staple strength and wool cut, with the micron held, decrease WEC, a slight increase in body weight and number of lambs weaned. We then class on body structure and wool traits – there is no tolerance for unsourable colour, wool rot or poor character wool. Dag and wrinkle scores must be 2 or less.

As such we consistently have soft handling, sound, bright wool that is keenly sought. We usually achieve the top sale price by micron at auction sales and fill specific contracts. The successful bidders for our wool are leading names in the processing and trading of fine wool and providing superior and consistent product.

Kia Ora Sires entered in Merino Sire Evaluation Trials:  Kia Ora 190228 entered in Balmoral 2023 and is in the top 5% on the Fine Wool SGA index (has a YWEC of -45).

Previous entries are: 040058 New England 2008 & Balmoral 2009, 060151 Balmoral 2010, 090130 Balmoral 2013, 150608 Balmoral 2019, 190228 Balmoral 2023.

Balmoral 2019 results

These are exciting times for Kia Ora with the genetic gains made being quantifiable and we will continue to push our program to deliver more.

Flock health
To ensure we maintain our disease free status we have kept a closed flock since 2003 with new genetics only being obtained through artificial insemination (frozen semen).