‘Noble fibre from the heart‘
Kia Ora is a family owned Merino wool farm at Winslow, Victoria, Australia, proactively committed to Ethical, Sustainable, Profitable (ESPwool®) wool production.

Pictured are three generations of the Finnigan family. Susan, Madison, 7, Brendan, Olivia, 5, Jim, 15 months, Nicole and James. Picture: Andy Rogers.
Kia Ora is in the Western District of Victoria, Australia, an area renowned for its high-quality pasture and wool. We are 20kms from the Southern Ocean and 70 from the Grampians, on the traditional land of the Gunditjmara people. Grazing some of the best grazing land in Australia we are 74 meters above sea level, with volcanic soils over limestone, enjoying mild summers and 750 mm rainfall annually (May- October). By employing the latest genetic techniques and animal welfare standards the soft, fine wool produced represents the culmination of education, generations of knowledge, breeding expertise, dedication and innovation.
Our family works as a team, enhancing our ESPwool® production business, as we care for the earth, animals and people.
Family History: We are first generation farmers however our forebearers were also farmers. W. E. Lawrence left England in 1822 with his family, possessions and crew in the Lord Liverpool, to take up a land ‘grant’ in Tasmania, Australia. He and his family farmed 8-12,000 acres. His descendants now farm across Australia. Patrick Finnigan was ‘assisted’ to emigrate, from Ireland, with the ‘clearances’ by landlords in the 1860’s. He became a ‘selector’ on a farm near Heathcote, Victoria, Australia. He paid £1 per acre for half of an allotment of land, and rent on the other half. After seven years he obtained title to the land, after paying the balance and making improvements. Patrick and Williams legacy is generations of Australian Merino sheep farmers.
Kia Ora History: The Kia Ora homestead was built around 1904. In 1911 Kia Ora was over 5,000 acres and recorded as a Pastoral Station, on HEC Robinson Ltd map number 600, in 1927. A northern section of Kia Ora was sold in 1937 and another in 1950, to a ‘Soldier Settlement’ farmer. We purchased Kia Ora in 2004.
Kia Ora is a Māori word, literally meaning: be well! Kia ora can be used to wish somebody life and health—the word ora used as a noun means “life, health and vitality”. It embodies our mission.
Please enjoy this website and contact us if you have any queries.